Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Princess Fiona and Gangster's Moll

Princess Fiona

Can you guess who is playing Princess Fiona and a Gangster's Moll for Halloween? We hope you enjoyed all your treats from this Halloween season from the Halloweenie puppet show to the Halloween origami. Check out our new calendar to see what we have in store for November.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Trick or Treat?

Can you guess what we're going to be for Halloween? You may just have to come by West Kids Department to find out on Monday.

But before that, don't forget to drop off your name and phone number on your check out receipt. You could win a pumpkinhead full of goodies. We will be raffling it off on October 28th at our puppet show.

The puppet show is called "Halloweenie: A Trick or Treat Tale". It is the tale of Dr. Frank and Igor. Dr. Frank is bossing Igor around so Igor decides to play a trick on him with your help. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hickery dickery Dock...

Thanks to all who attended the Toddler Times yesterday. We had such fun learning how to do Little Miss Muffet and Hey Diddle Diddle with actions.

Little Miss Muffet (put hand down by side as if showing something small)
Sat on her tuffet. (pat your bottom)
Eating her curds and whey. (pretend to eat)
Along came a spider (walk your fingers up your arm)
Who sat down beside (pat your bottom)
And frightened Miss Muffet away (run in place)

 Hey Diddle Diddle (cup hands around mouth)
 the cat (meow and show whiskers)
and the fiddle (pretend to play fiddle)
 The cow (moo with horns on head)
jumped over the moon (jump)
The little dog (bark with hands bent like paws)
 laughed to see such a sight (laugh with hand over eyes)
And the dish ran away (hands on hips while running in place)
With the spoon (Hands over head while running in place)

That Little Miss Muffet rhyme is always my favorite. It always makes me laugh when the spider crawls up my arm.

Oh, wow! We also learned how to say the word spider with our hands. I am hoping to include different ASL words in our storytimes. It and fingerplays are a great way of helping kids both communicate and build those small motor muscles. Those are the ones in your hands that help you make small movements. They are super important when your kids begin to start writing.

.Afterwards, we made cow windsocks. No, not the kind you were on your feet : ) They help us know which way the wind is blowing and maybe a fun thing to play with too if you make your own breeze. Come on by next Tuesdays for our pumpkin storytime. There is one storytime at 10:30 am and one at 11:00 am.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Win a prize!

See if you can find the pumpkin in this new 360 degree view of the children's department.

Shhhhh.... I am going to give you a hint.... shhhhhhh.... don't tell.....

Hint: Look on top of the zebra striped box

I didn't tell you anything, right? Just come in and tell the staff where the pumpkin was and pick a prize. You have until October 31st. Good luck!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Are you feeling a bit dizzy? Mysterious and spooky? Or all together ooky?

Well, we have the cure for that! We are having a Halloween themed puppet show on the 28th of October @ 4:30 pm. It will be an open to all ages show. There will also be a craft afterwards.... talk about a treat : )

Keep an eyeball or two out for our Preschool storytime time changes too. The regularly scheduled dates of October 5th and 12th will go on as planned. With the change in Wednesday hours of 12 to 9 pm, we will be adjusting our schedules shortly and will let you know what will be the new dates shortly. Are there any other programs you would like us to include? Just drop us a line at or and let us know.

All other normally scheduled programs (Toddler Time and Early Release crafts) will go on as previously scheduled. Thank you for all your support!